( function( $ ) {
// ready event
$( function() {
// initialize color picker
$( '.cn_color' ).wpColorPicker();
$( document ).on( 'click', 'input.cn-reset-settings', function() {
return confirm( cnArgs.resetToDefaults );
} );
if ( cnArgs.settingsTab === 'privacy-consent' ) {
var cnListTable = {
displayedSources: [],
sourceContainers: {},
tableContainers: {},
* Initialize list tables.
* @param object sources
* @return void
init: function( sources ) {
for ( const source in sources ) {
let mainContainter = $( '#cn_privacy_consent_' + source );
// update duplicated ids
mainContainter.find( '#the-list' ).attr( 'id', 'the-list-' + source );
mainContainter.find( '#table-paging' ).attr( 'id', 'table-paging-' + source );
if ( sources[source].type === 'dynamic' ) {
// add containers
this.sourceContainers[source] = mainContainter;
this.tableContainers[source] = mainContainter.find( '.cn-privacy-consent-list-table-container' );
// load list table only for active (checked) sources
if ( sources[source].status === true && sources[source].availability === true )
this.display( source );
* Handle clicking functional links.
* @param string sourceId
* @return void
start: function( sourceId ) {
var that = this;
this.tableContainers[sourceId].find( '.tablenav-pages a, .manage-column.sortable a, .manage-column.sorted a' ).on( 'click', function( e ) {
// remove question mark
var query = this.search.substring( 1 );
// prepare data
var data = {
paged: that.query( query, 'paged' ) || 1,
order: that.query( query, 'order' ) || 'asc',
orderby: that.query( query, 'orderby' ) || 'title',
search: that.query( query, 'search' ) || ''
that.update( sourceId, data );
} );
* Display data for the first time.
* @param string sourceId
* @return void
display: function( sourceId ) {
// already displayed?
if ( this.displayedSources.includes( sourceId ) )
this.displayedSources.push( sourceId );
let that = this;
let spinner = this.sourceContainers[sourceId].find( '.tablenav .spinner' );
$.ajax( {
url: ajaxurl,
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
nonce: $( '#cn_privacy_consent_nonce' ).val(),
action: 'cn_privacy_consent_display_table',
source: sourceId
} ).done( function( response ) {
try {
if ( response.success ) {
// update list table
that.tableContainers[sourceId].html( response.data );
// update duplicated ids
that.tableContainers[sourceId].find( '#the-list' ).attr( 'id', 'the-list-' + sourceId );
that.tableContainers[sourceId].find( '#table-paging' ).attr( 'id', 'table-paging-' + sourceId );
// bind form status handling
that.tableContainers[sourceId].find( 'input.cn-privacy-consent-form-status' ).on( 'change', handleFormStatus );
let searchInput = $( '#' + sourceId + '-search-input' );
let searchButton = $( '#' + sourceId + '-search-submit' );
// disallow enter key form submission
searchInput.on( 'keydown', function( e ) {
if ( e.key === 'Enter' ) {
// return false;
} );
// handle searching
searchButton.on( 'click', function( e ) {
// remove question mark
var query = this.search.substring( 1 );
// prepare data
var data = {
paged: that.query( query, 'paged' ) || 1,
order: that.query( query, 'order' ) || 'asc',
orderby: that.query( query, 'orderby' ) || 'title',
search: searchInput.val() || ''
that.update( sourceId, data );
} );
that.start( sourceId );
} else {
console.log( 'Loading source "' + sourceId + '" failed.' );
} catch ( e ) {
console.log( 'Loading source "' + sourceId + '" failed.' );
} ).always( function() {
// hide spinner
spinner.removeClass( 'is-active' );
// enable list table
that.tableContainers[sourceId].find( 'table' ).removeClass( 'loading' );
} );
* AJAX request to get source data.
* @param string sourceId
* @param object data
* @return void
update: function( sourceId, data ) {
let that = this;
let spinner = this.sourceContainers[sourceId].find( '.tablenav .spinner' );
// display spinner
spinner.addClass( 'is-active' );
// disable list table
this.tableContainers[sourceId].find( 'table' ).addClass( 'loading' );
$.ajax( {
url: ajaxurl,
type: 'GET',
data: {
nonce: $( '#cn_privacy_consent_nonce' ).val(),
action: 'cn_privacy_consent_get_forms',
source: sourceId,
paged: data.paged,
order: data.order,
orderby: data.orderby,
search: data.search
} ).done( function( response ) {
try {
if ( response.success ) {
if ( response.data.rows.length )
that.sourceContainers[sourceId].find( 'tbody' ).html( response.data.rows );
if ( response.data.column_headers.length )
that.sourceContainers[sourceId].find( 'thead tr, tfoot tr' ).html( response.data.column_headers );
if ( response.data.pagination.length ) {
that.sourceContainers[sourceId].find( '.tablenav.bottom .tablenav-pages' ).html( $( response.data.pagination ).html() );
that.sourceContainers[sourceId].find( '#table-paging' ).attr( 'id', 'table-paging-' + sourceId );
// bind form status handling
that.tableContainers[sourceId].find( 'input.cn-privacy-consent-form-status' ).on( 'change', handleFormStatus );
that.start( sourceId );
} else {
console.log( 'FAILED' );
} catch ( e ) {
console.log( 'FAILED' );
} ).always( function() {
// hide spinner
spinner.removeClass( 'is-active' );
// enable list table
that.tableContainers[sourceId].find( 'table' ).removeClass( 'loading' );
} );
* Filter the URL Query to extract variables.
* @param string query
* @param string variable
* @return string|bool
query: function( query, variable ) {
var vars = query.split( '&' );
for ( var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++ ) {
var pair = vars[i].split( '=' );
if ( pair[0] === variable )
return pair[1];
return false;
// any privacy consent sources?
if ( cnArgs.privacyConsentSources ) {
// initialize list tables
cnListTable.init( cnArgs.privacyConsentSources );
// handle every single static form status
for ( const source in cnArgs.privacyConsentSources ) {
if ( cnArgs.privacyConsentSources[source].type === 'static' ) {
$( '#cn_privacy_consent_' + cnArgs.privacyConsentSources[source].id ).find( 'input.cn-privacy-consent-form-status' ).on( 'change', handleFormStatus );
// privacy consent source status
$( 'input.cn-privacy-consent-status' ).on( 'change', function() {
let checkbox = $( this );
if ( checkbox.is( ':checked' ) ) {
let source = checkbox.data( 'source' );
checkbox.closest( 'fieldset' ).find( '.cn-privacy-consent-options-container' ).slideDown( 'fast' );
// dynamic source?
if ( cnArgs.privacyConsentSources[source].type === 'dynamic' )
cnListTable.display( source );
} else
checkbox.closest( 'fieldset' ).find( '.cn-privacy-consent-options-container' ).slideUp( 'fast' );
} );
// privacy consent active type
$( 'input.cn-privacy-consent-active-type' ).on( 'change', function( e ) {
let radio = $( e.target );
let target = radio.closest( 'fieldset' ).find( '.cn-privacy-consent-list-table-container' );
let value = $( '[name="' + $( radio ).attr('name') + '"]:checked' ).val();
if ( target.length > 0 ) {
if ( value === 'all' ) {
target.addClass( 'apply-all' );
target.removeClass( 'apply-selected' );
} else {
target.addClass( 'apply-selected' );
target.removeClass( 'apply-all' );
} );
function handleFormStatus() {
let el = $( this );
// disable list table
el.closest( 'table' ).addClass( 'loading' );
$.post( ajaxurl, {
action: 'cn_privacy_consent_form_status',
form_id: el.data( 'form_id' ),
source: el.data( 'source' ),
status: el.is( ':checked' ) ? 1 : 0,
nonce: cnArgs.noncePrivacyConsent
} ).done( function( data ) {
} ).always( function() {
// enable list table
el.closest( 'table' ).removeClass( 'loading' );
} );
} else if ( cnArgs.settingsTab === 'consent-logs' ) {
function handleListTablePagination( container, perPage ) {
let paginationLinks = container.find( '.pagination-links' );
let firstPageButton = paginationLinks.find( '.first-page' );
let lastPageButton = paginationLinks.find( '.last-page' );
let nextPageButton = paginationLinks.find( '.next-page' );
let prevPageButton = paginationLinks.find( '.prev-page' );
let currentPageEl = paginationLinks.find( '.current-page' );
let totalNumberofPages = parseInt( paginationLinks.data( 'total' ) ) || 1;
// get table body
var tableBody = container.find( 'table tbody' );
// prepare array with table rows
var dataRows = container.find( 'table' ).find( 'tbody tr' ).toArray();
// set flag
var firstTime = true;
// add pagination
container.pagination( {
dataSource: dataRows,
pageSize: perPage,
showNavigator: false,
showPrevious: false,
showNext: false,
showPageNumbers: false,
callback: function( data, pagination ) {
// skip showing/hiding table rows on init
if ( firstTime ) {
firstTime = false;
// hide all table rows
tableBody.find( 'tr' ).hide();
// display table rows
for ( const el of data ) {
$( el ).show();
} );
// handle first page
firstPageButton.on( 'click', function( e ) {
firstPageButton.addClass( 'disabled' );
lastPageButton.removeClass( 'disabled' );
nextPageButton.removeClass( 'disabled' );
prevPageButton.addClass( 'disabled' );
container.pagination( 'go', 1 );
currentPageEl.html( 1 );
} );
// handle last page
lastPageButton.on( 'click', function( e ) {
firstPageButton.removeClass( 'disabled' );
lastPageButton.addClass( 'disabled' );
nextPageButton.addClass( 'disabled' );
prevPageButton.removeClass( 'disabled' );
container.pagination( 'go', totalNumberofPages );
currentPageEl.html( totalNumberofPages );
} );
// handle next page
nextPageButton.on( 'click', function( e ) {
firstPageButton.removeClass( 'disabled' );
prevPageButton.removeClass( 'disabled' );
container.pagination( 'next' );
let currentPage = container.pagination( 'getCurrentPageNum' );
currentPageEl.html( currentPage );
if ( currentPage === totalNumberofPages ) {
lastPageButton.addClass( 'disabled' );
nextPageButton.addClass( 'disabled' );
} );
// handle previous page
prevPageButton.on( 'click', function( e ) {
lastPageButton.removeClass( 'disabled' );
nextPageButton.removeClass( 'disabled' );
container.pagination( 'previous' );
let currentPage = container.pagination( 'getCurrentPageNum' );
currentPageEl.html( currentPage );
if ( currentPage === 1 ) {
firstPageButton.addClass( 'disabled' );
prevPageButton.addClass( 'disabled' );
} );
if ( cnArgs.settingsSection === 'cookie' ) {
// consent logs
$( '.cn-consent-log-item input[type="checkbox"]' ).on( 'change', function() {
var el = $( this );
var trEl = el.closest( 'tr' );
var trDetailsId = trEl.attr( 'id' ) + '_details';
var trDetailsIdHash = '#' + trDetailsId;
var trDetailsRow = trEl.attr( 'id' ) + '_row';
if ( el.is( ':checked' ) ) {
// remove fake row
$( '#' + trDetailsRow ).remove();
// valid data already downloaded?
if ( $( trDetailsIdHash ).length && $( trDetailsIdHash ).data( 'status' ) === 1 ) {
$( trDetailsIdHash ).show();
} else {
var trDetailsDataEl = null;
if ( $( trDetailsIdHash ).length ) {
$( trDetailsIdHash ).show();
trDetailsDataEl = $( trDetailsIdHash + ' .cn-consent-logs-data' );
trDetailsDataEl.addClass( 'loading' );
trDetailsDataEl.html( '' );
} else {
trEl.after( cnArgs.consentLogsTemplate );
trEl.next().attr( 'id', trDetailsId );
trDetailsDataEl = $( trDetailsIdHash + ' .cn-consent-logs-data' );
$.ajax( {
url: cnArgs.ajaxURL,
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
action: 'cn_get_cookie_consent_logs',
nonce: cnArgs.nonceCookieConsentLogs,
date: el.closest( 'tr' ).data( 'date' )
} ).done( function( result ) {
if ( result.success ) {
// set success status
$( trDetailsIdHash ).data( 'status', 1 );
// add table rows or display error
trDetailsDataEl.find( '.spinner' ).replaceWith( result.data );
// update duplicated ids
trDetailsDataEl.find( '#the-list' ).attr( 'id', 'the-list-' + trEl.data( 'date' ) );
// bind pagination script
handleListTablePagination( trDetailsDataEl, 10 );
} else {
// set failed status
$( trDetailsIdHash ).data( 'status', 0 );
// display error
trDetailsDataEl.find( '.spinner' ).replaceWith( cnArgs.consentLogsError );
} ).fail( function( result ) {
// set failed status
$( trDetailsIdHash ).data( 'status', 0 );
// display error
trDetailsDataEl.find( '.spinner' ).replaceWith( cnArgs.consentLogsError );
} ).always( function( result ) {
// hide spinner
trDetailsDataEl.removeClass( 'loading' );
} );
} else {
$( trDetailsIdHash ).hide();
$( trDetailsIdHash ).after( '' );
} );
} else if ( cnArgs.settingsSection === 'privacy' ) {
let container = $( '.cn-privacy-consent-logs-data' );
$.ajax( {
url: ajaxurl,
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
nonce: cnArgs.noncePrivacyConsentLogs,
action: 'cn_get_privacy_consent_logs'
} ).done( function( result ) {
if ( result.success ) {
// update list table
container.html( result.data );
// bind pagination script
handleListTablePagination( container, 20 );
} else {
// display error
container.find( '.spinner' ).replaceWith( cnArgs.consentLogsError );
} ).fail( function() {
// display error
container.find( '.spinner' ).replaceWith( cnArgs.consentLogsError );
} ).always( function() {
// hide spinner
container.find( 'table' ).removeClass( 'loading' );
} );
} else if ( cnArgs.settingsTab === 'settings' ) {
// purge cache
$( '#cn_app_purge_cache a' ).on( 'click', function( e ) {
var el = this;
$( el ).parent().addClass( 'loading' ).append( '' );
var ajaxArgs = {
action: 'cn_purge_cache',
nonce: cnArgs.nonce
// network area?
if ( cnArgs.network )
ajaxArgs.cn_network = 1;
$.ajax( {
url: cnArgs.ajaxURL,
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: ajaxArgs
} ).always( function( result ) {
$( el ).parent().find( '.spinner' ).remove();
} );
} );
// global override
$( 'input[name="cookie_notice_options[global_override]"]' ).on( 'change', function() {
$( '.cookie-notice-settings form' ).toggleClass( 'cn-options-disabled' );
} );
// refuse option
$( '#cn_refuse_opt' ).on( 'change', function() {
if ( $( this ).is( ':checked' ) )
$( '#cn_refuse_opt_container' ).slideDown( 'fast' );
$( '#cn_refuse_opt_container' ).slideUp( 'fast' );
} );
// revoke option
$( '#cn_revoke_cookies' ).on( 'change', function() {
if ( $( this ).is( ':checked' ) )
$( '#cn_revoke_opt_container' ).slideDown( 'fast' );
$( '#cn_revoke_opt_container' ).slideUp( 'fast' );
} );
// privacy policy option
$( '#cn_see_more' ).on( 'change', function() {
if ( $( this ).is( ':checked' ) )
$( '#cn_see_more_opt' ).slideDown( 'fast' );
$( '#cn_see_more_opt' ).slideUp( 'fast' );
} );
// on scroll option
$( '#cn_on_scroll' ).on( 'change', function() {
if ( $( this ).is( ':checked' ) )
$( '#cn_on_scroll_offset' ).slideDown( 'fast' );
$( '#cn_on_scroll_offset' ).slideUp( 'fast' );
} );
// conditional display option
$( '#cn_conditional_display_opt' ).on( 'change', function() {
if ( $( this ).is( ':checked' ) )
$( '#cn_conditional_display_opt_container' ).slideDown( 'fast' );
$( '#cn_conditional_display_opt_container' ).slideUp( 'fast' );
} );
// privacy policy link
$( '#cn_see_more_link-custom, #cn_see_more_link-page' ).on( 'change', function() {
if ( $( '#cn_see_more_link-custom:checked' ).val() === 'custom' ) {
$( '#cn_see_more_opt_page' ).slideUp( 'fast', function() {
$( '#cn_see_more_opt_link' ).slideDown( 'fast' );
} );
} else if ( $( '#cn_see_more_link-page:checked' ).val() === 'page' ) {
$( '#cn_see_more_opt_link' ).slideUp( 'fast', function() {
$( '#cn_see_more_opt_page' ).slideDown( 'fast' );
} );
} );
// script blocking
$( '#cn_refuse_code_fields' ).find( 'a' ).on( 'click', function( e ) {
$( '#cn_refuse_code_fields' ).find( 'a' ).removeClass( 'nav-tab-active' );
$( '.refuse-code-tab' ).removeClass( 'active' );
var id = $( this ).attr( 'id' ).replace( '-tab', '' );
$( '#' + id ).addClass( 'active' );
$( this ).addClass( 'nav-tab-active' );
} );
// add new group of rules
$( document ).on( 'click', '.add-rule-group', function( e ) {
var html = $( '#rules-group-template' ).html();
var group = $( '#rules-groups' );
var groups = group.find( '.rules-group' );
var groupID = ( groups.length > 0 ? parseInt( groups.last().attr( 'id' ).split( '-' )[2] ) + 1 : 1 );
html = html.replace( /__GROUP_ID__/g, groupID );
html = html.replace( /__RULE_ID__/g, 1 );
group.append( '' + html + '
' );
group.find( '.rules-group' ).last().fadeIn( 'fast' );
} );
// remove single rule or group
$( document ).on( 'click', '.remove-rule', function( e ) {
var number = $( this ).closest( 'tbody' ).find( 'tr' ).length;
if ( number === 1 ) {
$( this ).closest( '.rules-group' ).fadeOut( 'fast', function() {
$( this ).remove();
} );
} else {
$( this ).closest( 'tr' ).fadeOut( 'fast', function() {
$( this ).remove();
} );
} );
// handle changing values for specified type of rules
$( document ).on( 'change', '.rule-type', function() {
var el = $( this );
var td = el.closest( 'tr' ).find( 'td.value' );
var select = td.find( 'select' );
var spinner = td.find( '.spinner' );
spinner.fadeIn( 'fast' ).css( 'visibility', 'visible' );
$.post( ajaxurl, {
action: 'cn-get-group-rules-values',
cn_param: el.val(),
cn_nonce: cnArgs.nonceConditional
} ).done( function( data ) {
spinner.hide().css( 'visibility', 'hidden' );
try {
var response = $.parseJSON( data );
// remove potential optgroups
select.find( 'optgroup' ).remove();
// replace old select options with new ones
select.fadeIn( 'fast' ).find( 'option' ).remove().end().append( response.select );
} catch( e ) {
} ).fail( function() {
} );
} );
} );
} )( jQuery );{"version":"1.0","provider_name":"Absolem","provider_url":"https:\/\/dev.absolem420.de","author_name":"absolem420","author_url":"https:\/\/dev.absolem420.de\/author\/weedindex\/","title":"Scotti\u00b4s Cake","type":"rich","width":600,"height":338,"html":"Scotti\u00b4s Cake<\/a><\/blockquote>